Rewarding Boudoir Session in Madrid

Some musings about boudoir photography and day-to-day life

This weekend I was in Madrid shooting a boudoir portrait session for a very special client.

We'd chatted a little via email and text to clear up any doubts she had about her session, and I could tell that she was a little nervous about the shoot.

When the morning of the shoot arrived, she called to let me know that she had a fever and that she might not be able to come to the hotel. Stage fright, I thought…. But, having travelled four hours on the train, I didn't want to lose the opportunity to take her photo if at all possible.

I began to ask her for a little more information, and it turned out that she was really worried how her body would look in the shots. She explained to me that she wanted to reward herself and her partner with a series of intimate photos for a very special reason: She had lost over 45kg (100lb) in the last year and was really proud of herself. Losing so much weight had left her with a little lose skin and stretch marks, and she was anxious that the images would not look sexy at all.

I explained to her that we work with clients of all shapes and sizes, and I promised that her pictures would look stunning.Book your discreet boudoir photo session in Seville, Marbella or Cadiz now!

She finally agreed to come to the session, and we really hit it off. She was vivacious and very open to direction. Losing so much weight had shown her that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. We shot several lingerie and topless shots over the course of two hours, and finished exhausted but very satisfied.

The next morning, my client was already writing to ask 'how badly' the photos had turned out. I assured her that they were great - and I promised to send over her proofs as soon as possible, which I did - a couple of days later.

It was so satisfying to hear back from my client almost immediately. "I have tears in my eyes!!", she wrote, "I can't believe how fantastic I look! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

We're working on her book layout right now. Her partner is going to be a very happy chappy; and so is my client. I am really happy to have given her a such a confidence boost in such a simple way. It's days like these that make you love photography!

She agreed to allow me to publish a couple of photos in the online gallery, but I bet you can't tell which is the girl that lost almost 50kg before her boudoir shoot!

Mike Corrigan
Sevilla, 41013 Spain Photographer at Recuerdos Intimos.


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Client Reviews
boudoir testimonial 🇪🇸 Monica ★★★★★ Ha sido una gran experiencia, con un trato muy profesional y cercano que te hacía sentir muy cómoda y te quitaba los nervios ante lo desconocido. Sin duda repetiría, el resultado ha sido increíble.
boudoir testimonial 🇪🇸 Nuria ★★★★★ El sitio es genial, nada más llegar ya me tenía puesta música de monjes tibetanos, olor a incienso. Mi sesión fue algo distinto no tan boudoir, algo más relaciona con el yoga, igualmente llevaba ropa interior y me hizo sentirme cómoda y tranquila en todo momento, muy buen fotógrafo. Las fotos son geniales, un hombre muy agradable.
boudoir testimonial 🇪🇸 Angeles ★★★★★ Una experiencia maravillosa, trato inmejorable y muy cómoda!!!
Lo recomiendo a todas a tener el mejor recuerdo! Gracias por todo!!